Running and new directions!!!

Lately I have been feeling like blah, really blah...Usually a good easy run lifts my spirits but what do you do if you feel burnt out from running? Now, that is a difficult situation to be in.

I have to really re-think my running situation. I have not run River-Oaks long run in over 2 months. For last 2 months, my running mileage has been 15-18 miles or so. And, I know that I have hit a plateau and a point of diminishing returns. In a race on a decent day, I can run 19 minute 5k or 40 minute 10k effort but it feels very hard. I can push through it on my will but my system is stressing. Probably this is the reason why it hurts so much.

I have also noticed that my aerobic system is most stressed. I don't feel any pain/tightness/soreness in my legs. Even at that effort, I am definitely running below my lactate threshold but it becomes very hard to breathe and keep going. So, right now the bottleneck seems to be the aerobic capacity. Jay says that I don't need speed work but slow long grueling runs to build endurance and aerobic capacity. He has a point but only if I would listen.

Do I really like running? I really don't know. I like to run because I can run and on some days I feel really grateful that I can not only run but run decently fast. I will admit another thing. I am kind of runner who gets thrill from speed (read running hard for short time) than a long run of 2 hours. I really enjoy running on track no matter how much it hurts. But, I am confused which way to go with my running.

I am listing some tentative running goals but they are only tentative. I have seen people struggle with speed/injury and it is not a good feeling. I am thankful that so far I have been able to run pain/injury free. At the same time, I would like to do the followings:

1) Ramp up mileage to at least 30 during the summer and enter fall with a good running base.

9 (M, easy), 3 (T, easy), 6(W, speed), Rest(Th), 4-5 (F, Tempo), 12 (Sat/Sun) = 34-35

2) Train for these three running goals within next one/one and half year.

i) 1:25-1:27 Half-Marathon (6:30-6:38 min/mile)
ii) 38:00 10K (6:07 min/mile)
iii) 18:20 5K (5:54 min/mile)

3) Or, forget the numbers and just enjoy running and soak yourself in a long easy run.

So long,


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