Turkey Trot 10K !!!

I think you can't beat a 10K with $15 entry fee (no ridiculous $2-4 service fee on top of race fee), a long sleeve cotton shirt, 1.5 bottle of red wine the night before and 1.5 hours of sleep going into the race. Top it with terribly humid, almost 75 degrees temperature and it is a perfect recipe to have fun and don't run for time race.

If weather predictions were good and I was serious, I would have loved to break 40 minutes again but I was in no mood to spoil the fun yesterday.

The race started pretty normal and first 2 minutes or so were spend weaving around people to get in front. On a normal day I would be little pissed but Bob Brown said something which made total sense. He said they have paid the same money as you and to hell with race etiquette in a Turkey Trot. Who are we? I am not even middle of pack runner from racing standards so I can't complain.

I saw Simon Brabo running with Caroline Burum ahead of me and I thought about reeling them in next mile or so. Caroline decided to hang with me when I passed them at mile 1.6 or so. She asked if we can maintain the pace and I wasn't sure. I see the Lara cheering on us and it was totally worth to shout for her. At this point the goal is simple. I don't wanna run any mile slower than 7 minute mile and see if I can push little bit in the end.

Caroline and I ran together till 3.5 mile or so and then I dropped her. I was fortunate enough to see my friends cheering me on (Deborah, Rosie, Lindsey, Jamie, Tucker, Lara, Sam, you all are awesome). I picked the pace little bit at mile 5 or so and finished last 0.3 miles (6.3 according to my garmin) at 5:42 pace. Overall, 41:39 or about 6:43 min/mile. (6:28, 6:28, 6:53, 6:43, 6:48, 6:39, and 5:42 for last 0.3).

I didn't stay longer after the race and just got home and caught upon my sleep.


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