Reflections while running "Easy and Steady" for a comeback

I hesitated to write this post about 6 weeks back because I didn't want to jinx the rhythm I had found.  As much as I enjoy many aspects of running, I struggle to blend it into a lifestyle as many runners seem to have achieved around me effortlessly. I keep falling off the wagon like an incorrigible  alcoholic :)

I tried to prepare for TMM Half 2023 in haste and overconfidence which resulted in a unique recurrence of injury called "Calf Heart Attacks" (three separate instances so far in my running career, all happened when I tried to return to running from a break in haste). I still ran TMM half 2023 because I didn't want to miss the marquee event of Mumbai running. I finished the race in 1:52:xx but limping with pain. 

I examined the cause of the injury and a pattern emerged. I was simply too reckless as shown in the table. Not only I squeezed in three half marathon races without adequate training, I ran them comfortably hard as well. I also squeezed in few speed work sessions without appropriate base building. But, the biggest culprit was less number of running days per week and disproportionally high contribution of long run to weekly mileage. Jack Daniels says that long run should ideally stay below 30-35% of weekly mileage. There could be some weeks of exception if one is careful enough. This tables shows the problem (races marked in red).  

Needless to say I needed a good recovery to heal from the injury. And, good recovery I got. Work and personal life kept giving me excuses not to take up running and providing me good opportunity to recover well from that injury. Between 15th Jan, 2023 till Oct 22nd, 2023, I had only run 5 times (total 21 kms). On the evening of 22nd October (Sunday), I calculated that TMM 2024 is exactly 13 weeks away giving a possibility to execute a reasonable training plan. I reviewed the mistakes of previous year and decided to pursue a much conservative plan for first 50 days. I also decided to make it a "Run everyday for 50 days" streak with a minimum of 2 km distance for it to count. 

I also had to mentally coach myself that I'm not a runner I used to be nor am I getting any younger that I can get away with reckless behavior without consequences. I also promised myself that I won't get caught up in the pace/speed of runs. I remembered the era when I was running/training well (powered by youth, fast-food and beer) 12-13 years back, thought of 10:00 min/mile seemed glacially slow. In metric system that's roughly 6:12 min/km. Subconsciously,  I wanted to run at least faster than that if possible but my feelings won't be hurt if I ran slower. 

I didn't miss any of the day in first 50 days but it wasn't easy. There were days when I really didn't want to run but I had to cajole myself to tie shoelaces and run two or three kms. In total I ran 293 kms in 50 days and almost all runs were run at easy comfortable pace. I slowly increased the Sunday run to a reasonable distance and didn't push if my body didn't allow it. There were days I wanted to run 14-15 km but I settled at 10/12 kms instead. However, I started to repeat a pattern of skipping run days and cramming the same mileage over lesser number of days. I need to correct this pattern to reduce stress on legs. The following table looks very good until week 7 but I begin to slip again as marked in red. 

Now, TMM half is only 13 days away and I must prepare a taper and race strategy. 

Taper and Race thoughts: There are many school of thoughts when it comes to tapering. In my running career I have experimented with almost all of the ideas. I strongly believe that the people who need taper don't taper and people who don't need taper, tend to overdo tapering thereby losing conditioning for the race. Ideally two weeks is enough time for a half marathon taper. Empirically, I feel if one is doing less/around 50 km/week mileage with no/limited speedwork, then physiologically one isn't taxing running muscles enough to require even a two week long taper. Translating running stress to "hours of running/week" rather than "km/week" (everyone runs at difference pace) makes more sense. If one is running between 5-6 hours/week then one only needs moderate taper.  

I have decided to do a 10 day taper. One may ask why this weird number? Over last three weeks, I had extra rest days in the schedule while making one or two intermediate distance run of 12-14 km (in addition to long run). So, I have been getting enough rest but I need to reduce the training load of individual runs. This week (race minus two weeks), I plan to run a long run of 19.2 km (12 miles) and run other days less than 10 km by front loading the week. On the race week, I plan to run 26 km (front loading first three days of the week) and give enough days as rest days for the race. 

Since, I haven't done any speedwork or have run any race during this preparation I will have to rely on race day conditions to gauge what should be the goal pace. TMM half is downhill/flat for last 5.5 or so kms so if one hasn't gone out too fast in the race, there is enough rope after 15.5 km to pull a good race. My strategy would be to hold your horses till the mid way, give a bit of controlled acceleration between 11-15, conserve energy during that infamous Peddar road hill and then bring the race home. I would like to run a sub 1:45 half but I will take any time that comes from the race. 

Let's wait and watch and see what Mumbai running Gods have in store for me at TMM Half 2024. :)

PS: In an emotional/weak moment, I signed up for 35 km Tata Ultra Marathon. Now, technically it isn't an ultra marathon because in my book for any race to be called "Ultra" it has to be longer than a marathon. Nonetheless, I had swore off races longer than half marathon. So, I need to figure out what to do about that. Plus, there is a nagging thought in my mind that involves a full marathon (my wife is going to hate this). I will turn 42 years old in August, 2024 and wouldn't it be nice if (and its is big IF) I returned and ran a full marathon. I'm not sold on the idea yet but it is taking shape in my mind :)


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